Róth, Miksa (1865 - 1944)

87 items found (by artist/maker)

Pioneer of Art Nouveau stained-glass and mosaic art in Hungary. The most important products of his workshop in Budapest include stained glass for the Academy of Music (1904-07), the Offices of the Gresham Insurance Company (1907), the building of Ernst Museum (in co-operation with József Rippl- Rónai, 1911), the chapel of the Psychiatric Hospital in Lipótmező (in co-operation with Sándor Nagy, 1913), and the Palace of Culture at Marosvásárhely (today: Tirgu Mures, Rumania, in 1907, in co-operation with Sándor Nagy and Ede Toroczkai Wigand.) During his Historicist period, as well as during his Modem Style-period, he followed the Mediaeval traditions of stained glass windows, always bearing in mind the special characteristics of the material.