Amberg, Adolph (1874 - 1913)

2 items found (by artist/maker)

German sculptor and modeller. Initially he attended the School of Applied Arts of Hanau, then continued his studies first in Berlin, then at the Julian Academy of Paris, and finally in Rome. Between 1894 and 1904 he designed silver articles for the company Bruckmann & Söhne of Heilbronn. His silver relief ’’Brunnen der deutschen Musik” was exhibited at the 1900 Paris International Exhibition. Between 1908 and 1910 he worked as a designer for the Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Berlin. In 1910 his works were displayed at the Brussels World Exhibition. He worked as a designer for the Grand Duke’s Majolica Manufactory at .Karlsruhe and also designed building ceramics for the Royal Majolica Workshop at Candinen.