Vase - With silvergilt mounts

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 53.35.1
Gallé, Émile (1846 - 1904)
Date of production:
ca. 1900
Inscription: kettős vonalakkal „E Gallé”
Materials: layered glass; silvergilt mounts
Techniques: coloured with metallic oxids; etched; grinded; mould-blown
height: 20,5 cm
maximum width: 16 cm
opening diameter: 9,5 cm
base diameter: 15 cm
The ball-shaped body of a narrow, then splaying neck and a splaying top rim is supported by a silver base of water lily leaves and blossoms. The top part of the body is connected to the neck with a small, protruding stirrup handle on both sides. The body is decorated with stylised, leaved tendrils, flowery boughs (orchids?), the handles are striped with lilac.


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