

Accession Nr.: 56.846.1
Inscription: Papírján vízjel: Ketenderg J. Heller Iglau.
Techniques: gilded; marbled
height: 23,3 cm
width: 19,5 cm
The paper plates are bound in pink-white marbled paper. The surface is gilt with arch-stamping there is a gilt, stylised flower stem in each corner. The middle is decorated with a red, horizontal, oval paper application, enriched with gilt twisted motifs and title inscription: Joannes Oefner 1823. The end-papers are white the cover plate is painted in tempera, with flowers and garlands, enclosing an oval field of the inscription: Exercitia cor: per Joannem Oeffner IIdi Anni grammaticum in Archi Gymnasio Regio Budensi Semestri 1822/3 descripta. Some of the subtitles and initials of the exercise book are painted in watercolour. The paper is marked with a watermark: Ketenderg J. Heller Iglau.


  • Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 3.113. (Lovay Zsuzsanna)