Pendant - depicting the ship of Cupid
Accession Nr.: | E 65.12 |
Date of production: |
early 17th century
Place of production: | Germany |
Materials: | diamond; gold; mother-of -pearl seashell; pearl; ruby |
Techniques: | champlevé enamel; ronde bosse enamel |
Dimensions: |
height: 10 cm
width: 8 cm
weight: 56,7 g
This piece is unique among the many surviving pendants in the shape of a ship, as the symbols clearly refer to love thus it was most likely made as an engagement present. The ship serves as a metaphor of the love-sick youth whose aim is to reach the harbour to fulfil his love. The body of the ship is suspended from enamelled and jewelled chains, which hang from the beautifully crafted double fishtails of a siren. The body of the ship is made from mother of pearl, forming a dragon-shaped bow with enamelled sides, decorated with rubies, while the planking is decorated with black inlaid enamel. A twisting enamel-trailer rises along the mast. The sail is of white enamel decorated with a heart pierced by an arrow and a burning ruby-heart under it. On the ropes two miniature sailors dressed in white and red keep themselves busy. From the bottom of the ship, a large Baroque pearl dangles, with two further pearls hanging at either end of the ship. The high value of this superbly made jewel is increased by the presence of the rubies, which at that time stood first in the hierarchy of precious stones, considered more valuable than diamonds. We do not know when this pendant entered the Esterhazy collection, but the first description of it appears in an inventory from 1685: “A Pendant shaped like a galley, with pearls, rubies, diamonds, from the bottom of which a large pearl hangs, 2 diamonds, 29 rubies.” The defects visible on the jewel were suffered during a World War II bombing campaign, which led to the partial destruction and damage of the Esterhazy treasury.
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