Accession Nr.: 20009
Date of production:
ca. 1700
Place of production: Transylvania
Inscription: jelzetlen
Materials: cobalt glass (coloured by cobalt oxide)
Techniques: blown; hot sculpted glass; hot-applied glass threads; hot-formed
height: 18 cm
length: 23 cm

This is one of the most interesting examples of seventeenth-century Transylvanian colored glass objects is this cobalt blue dog shaped vessel. Its shape is very similar to certain early seventeenth-century German humorous glass works (Scherzgefäß - see here), and this points to the fact that Transylvanian glassworkers continued to look to German inspiration alongside that of Venice and Murano.

The coloring - a specific dark cobalt blue – on the other hand, is completely different from the German tradition, since they are usually colorless (impurities will often give them a light green color) with colored decorative lines, most frequently red glass. This intense blue color, almost leaning towards violet, is a typical tone for early Transylvanian cobalt glassworks.

Next to the colorless, clear, honey yellow and red-brown colores, by the beginning of the seventeenth century blue glass was the most widespread, particularly in glass blowing workshops of Komána (today Comăna, Romania) and Porumbák (today Porumbacu, Romania).


  • Fulga Ligia: Das siebenbürgische Glas im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert: technische Lösungen, künstlerische Tendenzen. Verlag Janos Stekovics, Do¨ssel, 2007. - 173. p.
  • szerző: Varga Vera: Üvegen innen és túl - Bor és Üveg. Magyar Szőlő- és Borkultúra Kht., Budapest, 2003. - Nr. 9. (10. p.)
  • Szerk.: Pataki Judit: Művészet és Mesterség. CD-ROM. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1999. - üveg 13.
  • Varga Vera: Régi magyar üveg. Képzőművészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest, 1989. - Nr. 4.