Accession Nr.: 4540
Lalique, René Jules (1860 - 1945)
Manufacturer: Lalique Crystal Co.
Date of production:
ca. 1898-1899
Place of production: Paris
Inscription: jelzetlen
Materials: corroded glass; gold; horn
Techniques: émail cloisonné; sawn
length: 11,1 cm
width: 10 cm
The comb is sawed of a light, transparent horn. Its curved top is continued in a tendril that recoils in an upturned S-shape. The tendril ends in a round, puffy blossom of a lion's tooth (Taraxacum officinale), made of matte-etched glass. There is an enamelled, naturalistic bug motif sitting in the centre of the flower: a golden bug with two long feelers, a blue chitin cover and black legs. The rim of the petal is of irregular thickness, being blue opaque at the wider places. This comb is a typical example of Japanese influence.


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