Tapestry - King Solomon and his fiancée Sulamit (illustration for Song of Songs Part VII)

Textile and Costume Collection

Accession Nr.: 61.507.1
Date of production:
Place of production: Paris (presumably)
Materials: silk yarn; wool yarn
Techniques: tapestry -weaving
length: 200 cm
width: 255 cm
sűrűség (felvető): 5-6 / cm

The tapestry shows the figures of a King with a sceptre and a Queen holding a horn of plenty and a bunch of flowers within a grotesque border. Above their heads is a scroll bearing an inscription with two lines from the Song of Songs, marked Cant 7: O fille le prinche, conbien son beau tes pas (i.e.: O fille de prince, combien sont beaux tes pas [*en chaussures]) – Je suis a mon bien ayme et sur moy ets [i.e.: est] son plaisir.

The presentation of the figures differs from the Fontainebleau School, which shows strong mannerist influence. These are closer to the style of the pieces woven in Paris workshops.


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  • Tapisseries anciennes des 16e, 17e et 18e siecles, provenant du Musée des arts décoratifs de Budapest. Musée des arts decoratifs, Lausanne, 1969.
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  • Göbel Heinrich: Wandteppiche. Klinghardt & Biedermann Verlag, Leipzig, 1928. - Bd. 2/1, p. ; 34.; Bd. 2/2., 18. kép
  • Csányi Károly: Gobelin-kiállítás az Iparművészeti Múzeumban. Magyar Művészet, 2. (1926). 1926. - 397-412:406.(képpel)