Book - Poems by John Keats. Illustrations by Robert Anning Bell. (London, 1897)

Library / Book Art Collection

Accession Nr.: 6964.a-b
Bell, Robert Anning (1863 - 1933) / illustrator
Sauty, Alfred (1870 - 1949) / bookbinder
Place of production: London
Inscription: DE SAUTY
Materials: paper; paper board; parchment
Techniques: gilded; leather binding
height: 22 cm
width: 13,5 cm
thickness: 3 cm
weight: 804 g
The decoration of the front and back boards is identical: a black oval medallion in the centre, bearing the title, with flowery-leafy rose boughs springing in three directions. In the corners, the boughs enlarge into a continuous decoration. The smooth spine is enriched with rose boughs, with a wavy ribbon motif at the top, bearing the inscription: KEATS. The red leather endpapers are tooled with gold: linear borders run along the edges, while the centre is decorated with a symmetrical ornament of stylized rose tendrils and blossoms in a circular field. White parchment fly leaves. The headband is sewn with red and brown, the head edges are gilt.


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