Accession Nr.: | 62.407.1 |
Artist/Maker: |
Jámbor (Frommer), Lajos (1869 - 1955) / designer Kovalszky, Sarolta (1850 - ?) / weaver Simay, Imre (1874 - 1955) / manufacturer Vaszary, János (1867 - 1939) / upholstery designer |
Place of production: | Budapest |
Inscription: | nincs |
Materials: | mahogany veneer; pinewood base; woven upholstery |
Techniques: | upholstered; woven by the Scherrebek technique |
Dimensions: |
height: 97 cm
width: 69 cm
depth: 62 cm
The armchair stands on four prismatic legs, the front ones supporting the arm rests, the back ones are continued in the back support. The seat, the space between the seat and the arm rests and the back support are upholstered in blue wool, woven with «Scherebeck» technique, with repeated motifs of a row of pots of peonies. A pair of curtains with similar pattern and weaving (Cat. No. 9.28) and a cushion (Inv.No. 52.3499) belonged to these armchairs. Previously they were part of the interior of the Hungarian hall at the 1905 international art exhibition in Venice. The picture of the interior was published in the periodical Magyar Iparművészet Vol.8, 1905 p.216. and Vol. 38. 1935 p. 15.
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- katalógust összeállította: Éri Gyöngyi, O. Jobbágyi Zsuzsa: Lélek és forma. Magyar művészet 1896-1914. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest, 1986. - Nr. 930.
- Koós Judith: Style 1900. A szecesszió iparművészete Magyarországon. Képzőművészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest, 1979. - Nr. 182.
- Haulisch Lenke: Vaszary János. Képzőművészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest, 1978. - p. 56-57.
- Éri Gyöngyi: L'Art 1900 en Hongrie. Petit Palais, Paris, 1977. - Nr. 452.