Antependium - from the Saint Martin Church of Túrócszentmárton
Accession Nr.: | 12963 |
Place of production: | Upper-Hungary; |
Materials: | metal yarn; silk yarn |
Techniques: | filet (knotted); linen stitch |
Dimensions: |
length: 204 cm
width: 48,5 cm
The middle Golgotha scene is flanked by two bushes of flowers on the right and the left, both springing from vases. The two side scenes of the antependium depict the Fall. A strong German influence can be seen in these scenes, although we only know a later variant of the same subject on a German cross-stitch sample. The animal figures - deer, rabbit, fox and birds - and the vase with flowers between the scenes were popular motifs of all 17th century pattern books. There are two inscriptions in the upper corners of the piece, both from the book of Genesis: QUOCUNQUE DIE / COMEDE/RIS EX H/OC MORI/ERIS (2:15-17 - for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die) MULIER / ACCEPIT / DE FRUC/TU LIGN/I ET DE/DIT VIRO SUO (3:6 - she ate from the fruit. She gave some to her husband).
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