Jungfer locksmith workshop, Budapest

Jungfer, Gyula (1841-1908), an eminent member of a family active in art metalwork, who were in business since the second half of the 18th century. After returning from a study-tour in Western Europe, he opened his own workshop in Pest-Buda in 1866. His popularity is shown by the fact that he was entrusted with the execution of blacksmith’s and locksmith’s work in his favourite Historicist style for almost every major public institution in Pest-Buda. Beside his routine assignments to produce metal fittings for buildings, he readily experimented with new forms and genres recalling the distinctive, stylized floral ornamentation of Art Nouveau. This is illustrated by the wrought-iron gong (now part of the furniture and fittings of the Museum of Applied Arts) which was designed by Frigyes Spiegel and which enjoyed considerable success at the Turin Exhibition.