The 1900 Christmas Exhibition of the Hungarian Applied Arts Association
Coming after the Paris World’s Fair, the Applied Arts Association’s Christmas Exhibition of 1900 opened in the Museum of Applied Arts on 5 December before a large invited audience: “Invitations were sent to the ministries and other authorities, institutions, associations and notables, and to every member of the Association. Present at the opening were the Minister of Religious Affairs and Education, His Excellency the Minister of Trade, and many senior officials of the relevant ministries. Both ministers expressed fulsome praise of the progress they perceived in the exhibition and of its organisation.”
Participants: Ede Toroczkai Wigand, Pál Horti, Pál Tálos, János Markovics, Izidor Kőnig, Győző Tull, Rezső Nagy, Géza Márkus, Sándor Nagy, Dezső Sternberg, Zsolnay, Sándor Apáti Abt, Miksa Róth, Gida Waltherr, Imre Sovánka, Jakab Rapoport (Rappaport), Oszkár Tarján Huber, Vince Wartha, Samu Hibján, the Szandrik company, Ö. Fülöp Beck, Gizella Greguss (Mirkovszky Gézáné) and Sarolta Kovalszky Wittmann. 'A karácsonyi kiállítás kitűntetettjei' in: Magyar Iparművészet 1900/1-2. 90.
Diner-Dénes J. 'Az Iparművészeti Társulat karácsonyi kiállítása' in: Magyar Iparművészet 1901/1-2. 1-23.
by Jessica Fehérvári