Wedding chest

Furniture Collection

Accession Nr.: 64.100.1
Date of production:
mid 16th century
Place of production: Upper-Hungary
Materials: maplewood; maplewood inlay; pinewood; pinewood base; walnut wood; walnut wood veneer
Techniques: inlaid decoration; painted
height: 65 cm
width: 170 cm
depth: 74 cm

The front of the chest is divided into three fields by inlaid pilasters, which are further painted with scroll motifs. An imaginary picture of a building appears twice, within two arches, decorated with flags on the towers of the gate. The walls of the arches are rusticated, the intarsia of the pilasters creates the image of relief work. A courtyard of marble stones, showed in perspective, appears in the arches. The sides of the chest are decerated with painted symmetrical arabesques. There is a cupboard with a similar intarsia in the collection of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts. Originally belonged to the Count Apponyi family in Pálfa.


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