Accession Nr.: | 80.594.1 |
Artist/Maker: |
Inscription: | DIÓSZEGI GÁBOR PESTEN, 1815.5. AUGUS. |
Materials: | copper mounts; maplewood |
Techniques: | black-varnished; veneered |
Dimensions: |
height: 215 cm
width: 186 cm
depth: 65 cm
The wardrobe stands on four short tapering legs the corniche is horizontal. The doors and sides have two framed panels, while the back has four. On the facade the doors and the projecting four corners are decorated with wavy fields in wavy frames the sides show plain fields with a simple framework. The keyhole mounts are ornamented with an urn with garlands. The frieze corniche is painted in india ink with leaves, connected with curved tendrils at the bottom. The inside of the wardrobe is divided into two separate parts for shelves and for hangers, with two drawers at the bottom. The back is signed in ink, at the right top: DIOSZEGI GABOR PESTEN 1815 5 AUGUS. The structure of the wardrobe follows the Baroque type of Frankfurt yet both the black-varnished surface and the ink-painted frieze are typical of Empire taste. The pieces by Hungarian cabinet makers are usually not signed several masterworks have survived, however, that are provided with marking. Among these we can find some that prove the survival of earlier trends and styles. The master-drawings from the early 19th century - for example those from Veszprem - suggest that the journeymen of the guilds were asked to make furniture in Baroque style as well, pieces that corresponded to the taste of a hundred years earlier. The wardrobe of Dioszegi is one of these Baroque pieces, made on the initiative of the guild. It was, however, equipped with „modern” ink-painted decoration and a black-varnished surface, so that it could be sold more easily. The piece described above is a valuable document in the history of the guilds.
- Szerk.: Rostás Péter: Bútorművészet Magyarországon, 1800-1850. Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2012. - Nr. B.06.
- Szerk.: Zinnkann Heidrun: Zur Spezifik der ungarischen Biedermeiermöbel. Der feine Unterschied. Biedermeiermöbel Europas, 1815-1835. Prestel Verlag, Frankfurt/M, 2007. (Rostás Péter)
- Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 2.93. (Batári Ferenc)
- Vadászi Erzsébet: Meubles datés. Ars Decorativa, 7. (1982). 1982. - Nr. 35.