Vinegar and oil set
Accession Nr.: | 64.194.1-3 |
Artist/Maker: |
Inscription: | városi hitelesítő és mesterjegy vö: Reitzner, 1952 197. p. Nr. 1023. Rosenberg 3, Nr. 7859 Neuwirth 5, Nr. 379 |
Materials: | silver |
Techniques: | cast; chased; engraved decoration |
Dimensions: |
height: 37 cm
diameter: 35 x 21 cm
The plinth with six sides has a pierced rim of leaf and flower motifs. There are six plain, cast columns on the plinth, supporting cast, punched and engraved eagles with spread wings. There is a jointed prismatic post in the middle, decorated with palmettes and flowers against a punched base. It holds a female figure, in antique garb, holding an arrow and flowers in her hands. A flat bowl with a pierced rim is placed on top of her head. Marked with separate town and maker's mark, impressed on each part. The stopper of the glass oil cruet is of plain silver, equipped with a joint vase finial and a cast chain hook. The cover of the vinegar cruet is decorated with pierced leaf motifs its rim is engraved. The finial is identical with that of the oil cruet.
- Neuwirth Waltraud: Wiener Silber: Namens- und Firmenpunzen, 1781-1866. magánkiadás, Wien, 2002. - Nr. 403-408.
- Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 2.49. (Békési Éva)