Vase - With marabou storks

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 22389
Lakatos, Artúr (1880 - 1968) / designer
Manufacturer: Emil Fischer Ceramic Factory (Budapest)
Place of production: Budapest
Inscription: alján masszába nyomva: FISCHER EMIL BUDAPEST
486 (formaszám), máz alatt feketével bélyegzett
márkajelzés F E, felette korona, alatta MADE IN
HUNGARY, oldalt Handpainted. Papírcímkén K (orona)
50 (ármegjelölés), illetve 57. sz. (kiállítási sorszám?)
Materials: hard earthenware
Techniques: cast in relief mould; gloss-gilded; painted under transparent glaze; pierced
height: 47,3 cm
maximum width: 24,6 cm
opening diameter: 13,3 cm
base diameter: 17 cm
The large vase stands on a straight, ringed foot that holds its wide body that narrows gradually towards the top. The top rim is round and straight. The vase is decorated with four relief marabu figures, painted in blunt purple, light green and blue. The birds are exotic, ugly and comic. They stand on one leg among the light green leaves of the plants springing from the bottom of the vase. There are light blue, curving branches with berries above their head, at the top of the vase. The background was cut out at places, giving the vase a lighter effect, painted with gold, black and purple mosaic pattern. The inner walls of the pierced holes are gilt. The body of the birds is matte, their surroundings are covered with bright glaze. The object is mentioned in the catalogue of the 1905 Christmas exhibition of the Hungarian Society for Applied Arts: ”In the central court (showcase B, the products of Emil Fischer), there are vases and flower pots designed by Artur Lakatos. Pierced, with stylized animals and a dim glaze.” This vase must have been one of the above mentioned pieces.


  • Balla Gabriella, Kida Takuya: Japonism and art nouveau. Art Impression Inc., Tokio, 2020. - Nr. 131.
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 9.132. (Csenkey Éva)
  • Csenkey Éva: A magyar szecesszió kerámiaművészete. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1985. - Nr. 131.