Vase - With flowering branches

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 54.3.1
Ekberg, Josef (1877 - 1945) / designer
Date of production:
Place of production: Sweden
Inscription: alján kékkel, kézzel festve: Gustafsberg / 1913 / J Ekberg
Materials: hard earthenware
Techniques: blue-glazed; with relief decoration
height: 34,7 cm
maximum width: 18 cm
base diameter: 13,4 cm
opening diameter: 14,2 cm
The rimmed foot supports a broad, cylindrical body that splays in a curve towards the wide top rim. The plant ornaments of diagonally blossoming almond branches are embossed in light blue and white base, painted in dark blue. This motif is repeated on the broad, incised frieze on the shoulder line, on top of a background enriched with vertical lines.


  • Balla Gabriella, Kida Takuya: Japonism and art nouveau. Art Impression Inc., Tokio, 2020. - Nr. 165.
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 6.11. (Balla Gabriella)