Vase - scene in the countryside with three itinerant musicians
Accession Nr.: | 57.85.1 |
Artist/Maker: |
Pálinkás, Béla (1880 - ?) / pattern design and painter |
Manufacturer: | Emil Fischer Ceramic Factory (Budapest) |
Date of production: |
Place of production: | Budapest |
Inscription: | masszába nyomott FISCHER EMIL BUDAPEST 486 (formaszám), máz alatt feketével bélyegzett márkajelzés F E, felette korona, alatta MADE IN HUNGARY, oldalt Handpainted. |
Materials: | lime stoneware |
Techniques: | cast; painted polychrome underglaze; polychrome transfer picture |
Dimensions: |
height: 54,5 cm
opening diameter: 9,7 cm
base diameter: 14,8 cm
The straight foot supports and egg-shaped body with a long, narrowing, cylindrical neck that ends in a cup-shaped, wide top rim. The body is equipped with a square, split handle on each side, starting from the bottom third of the body and connected to the shoulder line and to the neck. The handle and the top rim are lined with brown. The neck is decorated with four pre-printed blu, green and yellow thistle stems. The body shows a winter scene in the countryside: on one side, three itinerant musicians walk in heavy coats in the cold, equipped with a violin and a viola. The other side shows a male figure, with a wanderer's stick in his hand, and a sack on his back. The interpretation of this country scene, the effectively characterized figures and the simple drawing of black contours, the local poster-like colouring were at that time new in Hungarian ceramic art. The white base is given by the original material of the vase, painted with light blue and pruple, yellow and intense brown. The vase was probably exhibited at the 1903 Christmas exhibition in the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts. The cooperation of Béla Pálinkás and the Fischer factory was mentioned for the first time in 1903, with great appreciation. A similar vase can be seen on the archive photos of the 1906 Milan exhibition. A companion piece can be found in the Budapest History Museum (Kiscelli Museum), Inv.No. Ip.87.2.
- Szerk.: Dózsa Katalin: Az áttörés kora. I-II. Bécs és Budapest a historizmus és az avantgárd között (1873-1920). Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2004. - Nr. 3.2.64.
- Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 9.130. (Csenkey Éva)
- Csenkey Éva: A magyar szecesszió kerámiaművészete. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1985. - Nr. 130.