Vase - From the Gesture series

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 99.60.1
Horváth, László (1941 - ) / ceramic designer
Manufacturer: Herend Studio
Date of production:
Place of production: Herend
Inscription: alján bekarcolt HL monogram, alatta 1997, máz fölött kékkel bélyegzett
herendi jegy alatt STUDIO felirat
Materials: biscuit (unglazed porcelain)
Techniques: cast; painted overglaze
height: 15,9 cm
maximum width: 16,4 cm
opening diameter: 12,5 cm
base diameter: 4,5 cm


  • Novák Piroska: Voices in Ceramics. Contemporary Hungarian Ceramic Art. Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu / Japán, 2023. - p. 209. Nr. 10; fotó: p. 045. Nr. 10
  • tanulmányíró: Balla Gabriella: Herendi porcelán Magyarországról. The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, Osaka, 2016. - Nr. 146. (206. és 245. p.)