Glass sculpture - Smog spot

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 2019.42.1
Varga, Dóra (1984 - ) / glass artist
Date of production:
Place of production: Budapest
Inscription: jelzetlen
Materials: coloured glass
Techniques: cast in mould; pâte-de-verre; polished
height: 28 cm
width: 41 x 13 cm
weight: min. 5 kg

The glass sculpture entitled Smog spot is closely related to Dóra Varga's DLA studies, which she began in 2016 at the Doctoral School of the University of Pécs. In her works made in recent years, she revolves around the topic of pollution, be it a threatening environmental disaster affecting our Earth or a harmful environmental effect or injury affecting each individual.

With the glass sculpture Smog spot Varga combines technical virtuosity with complex social messages, reflects on one of the problems of our day – increasing levels of air pollution – through hues ranging from light gray to pitch black and a multitude of structural phenomena (inclusions and bubbles). Her sculpture superbyl melds the technicues of pâte-de-verre and casting.

For more information about the artworks of Dóra Varga, see here.


  • Szerk.: Silbert Susie J.: New Glass Review 41. The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, 2020. - 119. p. (Recent Important Acquisitions)
  • Szerk.: Kóródi Zsuzsanna, Barabás Lajos, Rühl Karin: HuGlass 2017. A Magyar Üvegművészeti Társaság csoportos kiállítása. Magyar Üvegművészeti Társaság, Budapest, 2017. - 93. p.