Úti evőeszközkészlet

Metalwork Collection

Accession Nr.: 70.62.1-6
Place of production: France
Materials: leather; velvet
height: 14,5 cm
base diameter: 7,8 cm
A cylindrical, purple case of leather, with a green velvet lining. The flame gilt silver cylinder beaker fits tightly into the case. The beaker is engraved with a stripe of palmettes and strings of pearls at the top rim the side shows a five-pointed crown, with engraved initials S E below. The cutlery holder, equipped with green velvet compartments, fits into the beaker, like the spice box. The latter is cylindrical in the middle, but the two ends can be screwed off, revealing two compartments. The rim of the spice-box is engraved one of its caps shows an escutcheon with initials. The spoon can be crewed apart the edges of its prismatic handle are cut. The handle, ending in a plain, oval ladle, shows a coat of arms. The decoration of the four-pointed fork and the knife with a steel blade is identical with that of the spoon. All pieces are marked with French goldsmith's marks, used between 1809 and 1819. The maker's mark is yet unidentified: O B initials in a many-petalled flower set in a lozenge.


  • Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 2.15. (Békési Éva)