Inkwell - With the Adoration of the Magi

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 69.1564.1
Date of production:
ca. 1510
Materials: faience
Techniques: tin-glazed
height: 30 cm
diameter: 23,5 cm

The lions on the base are holding a disk on which the Bethlehem scene is dipicted. The building is a stable, inside which are the Infant Christ with an ox and a donkey. To the left are the figures of the Three Magi and other horsemen to the right arc Mary and Joseph with the child. The fivc-lobcd opening is decorated with a small vase and an escutcheon on the left, the latter having three blue bars against an argent tincture. There is a yellow star of five points in each argent bar. On the right is a candleholder. The inside of the manger shows the monogram C, and the base bears the inscription GOVAN. The side of the disk is also decorated with the inscription: ALIAM VIAM REVERSI SVNT IN REGIONEM SVAM FECIT IOHANES NICHOLAI DE MANZONIBVS DE COLLE. One of the horsemen on the reverse shows a letter G (on the leg of the horse). The bench on which Mary is sitting is also painted with the inscription AVE MARIA.

According to the inscription the majolica ink stand was made by Giovanni Manzoni, active ca. 1500-1520 in Colle di Val d'Elsa, in the proximity of Siena.

At the time of purchase, it was thought that this piece was a baptismal cup however, after comparing it with similar European pieces, scholars were able to decide upon its approximate date and fuction.


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  • Szerk.: Miklós Pál: Az Iparművészeti Múzeum gyűjteményei. Magyar Helikon, Budapest, 1979. - p. 162.
  • Cserey Éva: Calamaio maiolica di stile Rinascimento. Ars Decorativa, 1. (1973). 1973. - 73-85.
  • Szerk.: Radocsay Dénes, Farkas Zsuzsanna: Az európai iparművészet remekei. Száz éves az Iparművészeti Múzeum. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1972. - Nr. 62.