Talpas serleg

Metalwork Collection

Accession Nr.: 50.4.1-2
Renner, Ádám (1803 - 1818)
Date of production:
ca. 1810
Place of production: Pozsony (Bratislava)
Inscription: peremén és talpszélén pozsonyi hitelesítő jegy és AR (Renner Ádám, ld. Kőszeghy 310) mesterjegy.
Materials: parcel-gilt; silver
height: 28,7 cm
height: 19,7 cm
base diameter: 7,5 cm
opening diameter: 7,6 cm
height: 9,5 cm
diameter: 8,8 cm
The round, jointed foot is decorated with two rows of flowers. The stem shows the child Bacchus, with a beaker in his raised hand. Below and above him, there is a repousse rosette with vine leaves, cut of plates. The cup shows four flowers of big petals, with small-petalled flowers in between, and flowery foliage running all round. The domed rim of the cover is decorated with a standing, leaved row, and stylized leaves all round. The tip is enriched with a rosette, shaped of a separate plate, enriched with vine leaves. The finial is the figure of an armoured knight, with a drawn-out sword, resting on his shield with his left. The bottom and top rims are plain and jointed. The top and the foot rim are plain, jointed. On the basis of the shape and the decoration, this object can be categorized as Neo-Baroque, the earliest one among the different stylistic trends in nineteenth century West-Europe.


  • a kiállítást rendezte: Batári Ferenc, Vadászi Erzsébet: Historizmus és eklektika. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1992. - Nr. 363. (Békési Éva)