Accession Nr.: | 61.907.1 |
Place of production: | Hungary |
Materials: | elmwood; maplewood |
Techniques: | carved; with traces of painting |
Dimensions: |
height: 94 cm
width: 115 cm
depth: 75 cm
The legs are joined by double rods. The broad frieze hides a false drawer it can be opened by the rectangular top. Because of this drawer it was named "Drawer table" or "Chamber table". Dated 1598 in a targe among leaved boughs with tulips, on the front of the false drawer. Similar pieces can be found in the collection of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts (Inv. Nos. 61.977 61.978 62.449), in the Hungarian National Museum (Inv. Nos. 134/1907 27/1919 22/1942) and in the Muzeul de istorie al Transilvaniei in Kolozsvár-Napoca. The table had become an essential piece of furniture by the 16th century in Hungary as well. Two main types were known: the "cradle" one or "Transylvanian", and the one with a "large drawer" or "chamber" table. The piece described above has preserved Late-Gothic features in its shape and in the technique of carving. However, the foliage decoration of the frieze and the escutcheon in the middle are indications of the Renaissance. It was made on a Southern Tyrolese model, in Hungary.
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