Table screen - with six set-in plaques
Accession Nr.: | 54.1288.1 |
Artist/Maker: |
Charpentier, Alexandre-Louis (1856 - 1909) / medallist Daniel-Dupuis, Jean Baptiste (1849 - 1899) / medallist Förster, Alexander (1861 - 1932) / leather-worker Roty, Louis-Oscar (1846 - 1911) / medallist Vernon, de, Frédéric-Ch. Victor (1858 - 1912) / medallist |
Date of production: |
ca. 1900
Place of production: | Paris |
The shade has three parts, covered with leather on both sides. The two side wings has one, the middle four French plaques set-in two-sided, except for the bottom one.
1. Jean-Baptiste Daniel-Dupuis: Source (La source) Paris, 1892. Marked: Front: on the top left with twined DD initials, bottom right and on the back, bottom left with DANIEL-DUPUIS. Silver, struck, standing rectangle shape Front: A naked female figure, leaning above the rim of a masked well, drinking from her palm. Back: A source springing from a rock, with a putto figure. This is a smaller version of an earlier composition called «Chloe a la vasque».
2. Jean-Baptiste Daniel-Dupuis: The nest (Le nid) Paris, 1892. Marked on the front and on the back bottom left with DANIEL-DUPUIS. Bronze, struck, standing rectangle shape. Front: A female figure kneeling on a rock, looking at a bird's nest on a tree trunk on the left. There is an inscription on the bottom middle: LE NID. Back: A naked child figure sitting on a bough, holding a small bird in its hands. Both plaques were bought by the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts at the 1900 Paris International Exhibition, together with «Horticulture» (see Inv.No. 71.180). They are now in the Numismatic Collection of the Hungarian National Museum, Inv.Nos. MNME 50/1935-72 (1) and MNME 50/1925-73 (2).
3. Jean-Baptiste Daniel-Dupuis: Madonna (Mary with the Child), Paris, the 1890s. Marking covered Bronze, struck, standing rectangle shape. Front: Mary stand beside a tree, holding the sleeping child in her arms. Back: A cross rising from clouds in front of a radiating sun. Its silver copy can be found in the Numismatic Collection of the Hungarian national Museum, with Inv.No. 53.33.68. The plaque was exhibited at the 1924 Medal and Plaque Exhibition in the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, see Cat. 1924 No.3248.
4. Oscar Roty: «Marriage» («Semper»), Paris, 1895. Marked on the left with O. Roty, 1895, Silver, struck. Front: A young couple sitting facing each other, in front of a landscape background. The man puts a ring on his beloved's finger. The text SEMPER is written on the bottom middle. Back: The statue of Cupid standing on a high stand beside an ivy-covered tree. Today this piece can be found in the Numismatic Collection of the Hungarian National Museum, Inv.No. MNME 50/935-79.
5. Alexandre-Louis-Marie Charpentier: Painting Paris, 1898 (?). Marking covered. Bronze, struck, octagonal shape. Front: Naked bust of a young man turning to the right, holding a palette and a brush. Back: A laurel and an olive branch, tied together This plaque was designed to be the painting prize, see Dompierre de Chaufepie 1899 plate XXVI, ill. 112. The illustration of the front is published by Marx 1898 plate 25. A silver copy of the plaque was bought by the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts at the 1900 Paris International Exhibition, see Radisics 1901 No.40, Szmrecsanyi 1901 p.113. (Two copies can be found in the Numismatic Collection of the Hungarian National Museum, with Inv.Nos. MNME 50/935-66 (bronze) and 50/935-65 (silver). A silver copy can be found in the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Inv.No. 1990.20, see Cat. 1991b No.226. The plaque was also exhibited at the 1902 Torino International Applied Arts Exhibition, see Cat. 1994e No.194 (with further literature). It was also exhibited at the 1924 Medal and Plaquette Exhibition of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, see Cat. 1924 No.3194.
6. Frederic-Charles-Victor de Vernon: The Allegory of Eucharist, Paris, the 1890s. Marked on the top left with F. VERNON. J. I. ARGENT. Silver, struck, standing rectangle shape. Christ hugs a child with his left and kisses him on the forehead, holding a host in his right. The bottom border is decorated with vine tendrils and wheat, twined with ribbon, referring to Eucharist. The illustration is published in Marx 1898 plate 20.
The table shade probably commemorates the 1900 Paris International Exhibition.
- Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 2.130. (Pandur Ildikó)
- Godoli E., Rosci M., Bossaglia Rossana: Torino 1902. Le arti decorative internazionali del nuovo secolo. Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Torino, 1994. - Nr. 218.
- Secesja Europejska-European Art Nouveau -Europäische Jugendstil. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, hamburg, Hamburg, 1991. - Nr. 226.
- Szerk.: Csányi Károly: Budapesti gyűjtők és művészek érem- és plakettkiállítása, az Orsz. M. Iparművészeti Múzeumban. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1924. - Nr. 3243, Nr. 3240
- Szerk.: Ráth György: Az érem. Az iparművészet könyve. I. Athenaeum Kiadó, Budapest, 1902. - p. 278.; xxxiv. melléklet, 5. kép (Ráth György)
- Szerk.: Fittler Kamill: Magyar Iparművészet IV. évfolyam, IV. évf. 5. szám. Magyar Iparművészeti Társulat, Budapest, 1901. - 111., 113.. (Szmercsányi Miklós)
- Radisics Jenő: Az 1900. évi nemzetközi párisi világkiállításon vásárolt iparművészeti gyűjtemény leíró jegyzéke. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1901. - Nr. 46, Nr. 47
- The Studio, 15. (1899). 1899. - 21.
- Revue des Arts Décoratifs, XIX. (1899). 1899. - 400 p.
- Dompierre, de Henri Jean: Les médailles et plaquettes modernes. Kleinmann, Haarlem, 1899. - XXVI. TÁBLA, 112. KÉP.
- Marx Roger: Die französische Medailleure unserer Zeit. Eine Sammlung von 500 Medaillen und Plaquetten. Stuttgart, 1898. - 11. tábla (bal felső kép)
- Chaufepié Dompierre: H. J. de: Les médailles et plaquettes modernes. Haarlem - XXVI. TÁBLA, 112. KÉP.