Suite of jewellery
Accession Nr.: | 71.203.1-4 |
Date of production: |
ca. 1820
Place of production: | Hungary (presumably) |
Inscription: | jelzetlen |
Materials: | almandine; glass; gold (18 carat); pearl |
Dimensions: |
length: 44 cm
length: 5,5 cm
weight: 8,50 g
length: 18,5 cm
Necklace: the chain is constructed of six parts with connected leaves, with rectangular junctures of curved sides in between. Each rectangle is decorated with a pearl in a rosette. The lock has an identical shape, although it is a little bigger. A rosette with foliage decoration and a red, faceted glass in its middle, hangs from the chain its petals are enriched with small pearls. There are four filigree leaves and two vine-leaves beside, enclosing two small pearls and two small, faceted paste stones in between. Two rectangles of a foliage border hang below, which hold a square-shaped pendant with chiselled corners and a rosette with pearlis, with a small almandine in the middle. A fringe ornament hangs from this rosette. The back is equipped with a soldered metal pin.
Earrings: The oval rings hold an ornament of five sides and a rosette in the middle. There is an almandine in the middle of each rosette. The long bottom part spalys downwards it is decorated with a repousse flower enriched with pearls and an almandine in the head, among foliage. Case: original, covered with black leather and lined with champagne- coloured velvet and silk.
- Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 3.66. (Békési Éva)