Accession Nr.: | 51.1042.1 |
Date of production: |
late 17th century
early 18th century
Place of production: | Hungary |
In the middle, high up, is an enamelled pelican, with a pearl in his mouth. His two wings are decorated with a pair of almandines, his breast with a diamond, on the two sides of the bird are rosettes with radiate appliques and decorated with three pairs of almandines. The pelican is standing on a garnet under him is a half pearl in the middle of a ring formed of ten garnets. This is surrounded by three rosettes with enamel painting imitating black and white bands. In the middle of the rosettes are table cut rubies, and pearls hang below. While two of them are on loops of a chain, the one in the middle is on a bow decorated with a pair of diamonds. On the rear side of the pendant is a pin of later fitting.
- Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Péter Márta: Barokk és rokokó. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 5.59. (Ács Piroska)
- Détári Angéla: Régi magyar ékszerek. Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 1976. - Nr. 30.