Spice canister with screw pewter lid
Accession Nr.: | 18204.a-b |
Manufacturer: | Haban workshop |
Place of production: | Upper-Hungary |
Materials: | faience |
Techniques: | polychrome painting |
Dimensions: |
height: 27,5 cm
opening diameter: 5,7 cm
base diameter: 17,8 cm
Hexagonal shape with curving top and a screwed upper rim of pewter. The top can be screwed into the lid, and is in the form of two male heads. The sides are decorated with stylized flower stems. The top has leaved wreaths and small flowers along the upper rim. Painted in blue, green and yellow, contoured and shaded in manganese, on a white background. Dated 1663 on two sides of a flower stem.
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