Soup plate - For Count Tivadar Andrássy's erstwhile Buda palace dining room
Accession Nr.: | 9578 |
Artist/Maker: |
Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) / designer |
Manufacturer: | Zsolnay factory (Pécs) |
Date of production: |
Place of production: | Pécs |
Inscription: | a hátoldalon masszába nyomva: ZSOLNAY PÉCS 2655 ( a készlet formaszáma ) 9; ( a tányér alszáma ) máz alatt kékkel RRJ, a tervező művész monogramja; 577. 550. 265. ( mázak laboratóriumi számai? ) |
Materials: | porcelain-faience |
Techniques: | polychrome high-fired glaze; thrown in mould; transparent high-fired glaze |
Dimensions: |
diameter: 24,3 cm
base diameter: 13,2 cm
height: 4 cm
The deep soup plate has a splaying, slanted, eight- lobed rim. It is decorated with a stylized tendril, reaching back into the centre with loose, green leaves and yellow buds. The unshaded colour patches are outlined by sensitive, thick blue brush contours. The bowl and the edge of the rim are coloured with white. In the centre of the foliage and at the end of the stem the natural yellowish colour of the clay material appears. This form was numbered 2527 in the Zsolnay factory Fafon book (Suppenteller), then it became part of the Neo-baroque dish set No. 2655. According to the notebook of Teréz Zsolnay (JPM Ad. Inv.No. 1578-91-1584), it was designed in 1889. The drawing of the plate cannot be found in the chronologically arranged Décor Book between 1897 and 1900, only later, in the 7th book from 1907- 1908, under number 5134, with ’’Rippl-Rónai” notation. The alternative picture of this décor can be seen on a companion piece in the- Janus Pannonius Museum of Pécs (Inv.No. 51.5059.1).
- szerző: Vadas József: A magyar iparművészet története. A századfordulótól az ezredfordulóig. Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 2014. - 27. kép
- Szerk.: Csenkey Éva, Gálos Miklós: Tiffany & Gallé e i maestri dell'art nouveau nella collezione del Museo di Arti Applicate di Budapest. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2013. - Nr. 5.17.
- Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 9.75. (Csenkey Éva)
- Csenkey Éva, Hadik András, Shinji Kohmoto, Kohmoto Shinji: PANORAMA: Architecture and Applied Arts in Hungary. National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Kyoto, 1995. - Nr. 106.