Small vase with two handles

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 53.2128.1
Kok, J. Jurriaan (1861 - 1919) / designer
Schellink, Samuel (1876 - 1958) / pattern design
Place of production: The Hague; Rozenburg
Inscription: alján zölddel bélyegzett jelzés: korona alatt Rozenburg,
alatta gólya csőrében békával, ez alatt den Haag felirat,
feketével festetten: ablak, mellette 529 és
függőlegesen áthúzott S
Materials: eggshell porcelain
Techniques: cast in mould/slip-cast; painted in polychrome overglaze
height: 14,2 cm
base diameter: 4,8 cm
opening diameter: 4,6 cm
The square foot supports a cylindrical, pear-shaped body with a short, curved neck and a splaying top rim. The two ribbon-like handles spring from the top rim. On one side of the vase there is a cock with ruffled feathers, painted in blue, brown, yellow, purple and lilac, shaded and contoured by black. The vivid colours of the cock contrast the light pastel colours of the motifs of the background of stylized tendrils, leaves and small flowers. The reverse side of the vase has an orange tulip with wavy petals, framed by stylized plants, tendrils, boughs and leaves.


  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 5.6. (Balla Gabriella)