Rug - Caucasian Dragon Rug

Textile and Costume Collection

Accession Nr.: 19664
Manufacturer: Armenian workshop
Date of production:
early 17th century
Place of production: Karabakh region
Materials: wool
Techniques: Ghiordes (symmetrical or Turkish) knots
length: 586 cm
width: 208 cm
knots: 990 cm

Caucasian carpets dominate the carpet auction of the Ernst Museum, and the most remarkable of
these are the Armenian carpets. Armenian rug number 31, for example, could be the pride of any
museum. Its bold ornamentation and distinctive colouring make it a true masterpiece. Its surface is
adorned by dragons surrounded by large leaves, large palmettes, birds and lions struggling with
chamois. It has been dated to the late 16th or early 17th century.

We do not know who was selling the carpet at that time or who bought it, but six years later, in 1924, it appeared in the unillustrated descriptive list of the Museum of Applied Arts’ Early Oriental Carpets exhibition, marked as the property of a very sophisticated art collector, Zoltán Mauthner (1880-1936), the co-proprietor of the leather company Gebrüder Mauthner und Co. He probably purchased the carpet at the 1918 Ernst auction. He exhibited it in 1924 and sold it together with other items in his collection either at an auction or via an art dealer around 1930. That may have been when Mrs. Endler acquired it.

See also: Museum With No Frontiers


  • Pásztor Emese: Budapest's Best-Kept Secrets HALI, 185 (Autumn 2015). HALI, London, 2015. - 76; 73, figure 4.
  • Gombos Károly: Régi kaukázusi szőnyegek. Nádasdy Ferenc Múzeum, Sárvár, 1983. - Nr. 29.
  • Gombos Károly: Régi örmény sárkányos szönyegek. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1976. - 3. kép
  • Csányi Károly: Magyar Szőnyegkedvelők Egyesületének régi keleti szőnyegkiállítása az Orsz. Magyar Iparművészeti Múzeumban. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1924. - Nr. 94. (Mauthner Zoltán tulajdonaként)
  • Csányi Károly: Ernst Múzeum, 6. aukció.Régi keleti szőnyegek. Ernst Múzeum, Budapest, 1918. - Nr. 31. (képpel)