Accession Nr.: 70.162.1
Lütz, Carolina / painter
Date of production:
first half of the 19th century
Inscription: alján masszába nyomva: WINTER; máz felett lilával
festve: Carolina Lütz
Materials: hard earthenware
Techniques: glazed; polychrome painting
diameter: 24,5 cm
height: 3,3 cm
The inside of the round, deep dish is lined with a rising, narrow rim. The surface shows a monochrome picture, painted with the shades of brown, among rays: a landscape, with a ruin in the background. The purple, marbled rim is enriched with four landscapes with buildings, in oval fields. The border is lined with a dark lilac stripe. There is an impressed inscription "WINTER", and another one, painted in lilac over glaze: "Carolina Lütz". Matyas Winter was the owner of the stoneware manufacture in Papa, while Carolina Lütz was probably one of the painters.


  • Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 3.87. (Weiner Piroska, Katona Imre)