Plate - with the portarit of Archduke Joseph of Habsburg-Lothringen (Palatine Joseph)
Accession Nr.: | 19535 |
Artist/Maker: |
Paulus, Josef / painter (Buntmaler) |
Manufacturer: | Regéc porcelain manufactory |
The round plate has a narrow, flat rim with a wavy border. The rim is painted with gilt dots, creating a net, against a dark brown background, under glaze. The surface is painted with the portrait of a man: the bust of Prince Istvan (1817- 1867), with the signature of the porcelain painter beside it: „Paulus 848”. The name of the painter Paulus is not listed among the employees of the Telkibanya factory in 1848, or before or after that date moreover, it was not registered either at the Evangelist parish of Telkibanya or at the Roman Catholic parish of Gone, which means that the portrait was most likely the work of a foreigner, probably a Viennese „Hausmaler”, Paulus. Impressed with maker's mark and date on the bottom: „Regecz 848”.
- Radványi Diána: The Early Products and Brief History of the Porcelain Factory of Regéc / Az első magyarországi porcelángyár. Ars Decorativa, 28. (2012). 2012. - 75-92:85.
- Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 3.95. (Katona Imre)
- Az Ernst-Múzeum gyűjteményének aukciója. (Árverési Közlöny, XX.). Postatakarékpénztár Árverési Csarnoka, Budapest, 1939. - Nr. 898.