Accession Nr.: 54.1732.1
Rippl-Rónai, József (1861 - 1927) / designer
Manufacturer: Zsolnay factory (Pécs)
Place of production: Pécs
Inscription: hátoldalon masszába nyomva: ZSOLNAY PÉCS 5300
(formaszám) 26; máz alatt barnával rajzolt RRJ
monogram, (a művész jelzése); kékkel kézírással
251.157.40 90/a. (?) (mázak laboratóriumi számai?)
Materials: porcelain-faience
Techniques: high-fired glaze; polychrome painting; thrown
diameter: 23,6 cm
height: 2,6 cm
The surface of the round plate is flat, the rim and edge are plain. There is no special remark in the Faconbook 8. of the Zsolnay factory about No. 5300. This shape was designed at the same time as the décor pattern. The brush-painted, stylized flowers cover-the whole surface of the front. The wavy, broken dark purple and green contours, together with the interrupted pink inner lines create flower heads with three petals. The petals loosely overlap. The spontaneous arrangement does not follow the circular surface, creating the impression of an endless pattern. Among the petals on the rim, there are smaller tulip stems shown from the side, with similar, light brush lines and colours. They are randomly alone, by two and in three. Its companion piece is the plate with Inv.No. 9577. According to the paper notes this plate was exhibited in Venice in 1914. A plate with similar pattern can be found in the JPM in Pécs (Inv.No. 51.5126), but the tulips among the flowers are replaced with stylized green leaf motifs.


  • Szerk.: Csenkey Éva, Gálos Miklós: Tiffany & Gallé e i maestri dell'art nouveau nella collezione del Museo di Arti Applicate di Budapest. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2013. - Nr. 5.16.
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 9.78. (Csenkey Éva)
  • Csenkey Éva: A magyar szecesszió kerámiaművészete. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1985. - Nr. 54.