Pillowcase - with aristocratic embroidery

Textile and Costume Collection

Accession Nr.: 12970
Date of production:
late 17th century
Place of production: Upper-Hungary (presumably)
Materials: canvas
Techniques: embrodiered with silver thread; embroidered in silk thread
length: 97 cm
width: 69 cm

The edges of the obverse side of the pillowcase are embellished with nine uniform and separate flower-stems. The stalks on the stems, which issue from calyx-like motifs, cross each other, while three large “leaf-flowers”, small tulips, leaves and claspers issue from the stalks on each of the stems.

The fashioning of the jagged-edges leaves into flowers and the strong emphasis placed on them as against the tulips is a Hungarian adaption of a motif of Oriental origin. In the shaping and division into parts of the leaves, however, Turkish influence is still perceptible. In one corner along the open edge of the pillowcase, a small embellishment can be seen, probably a mark referring to the embroiderer. Along the three embroidered edges a straight embroidered line closes off the pattern.

The contouring of the motifs suggests that the pillowcase-panel originated in Upper Hungary.


  • László Emőke: Magyar reneszánsz és barokk hímzések. Vászonalapú úrihímzések. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2001. - Nr. 172.
  • Szerk.: Buzási Enikő: Főúri ősgalériák, családi arcképek a Magyar Történelmi Képcsarnokból. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest, 1988. - Nr. D.8. (László Emőke)