Photograph - the so called Pavilion Bigot, Paris Universal Exposition 1900

Archive / Collection of Photographs

Accession Nr.: FLT 26367
Place of production: Paris
Materials: photo paper
Techniques: black and white photo; mounted on cardboard
height: 22,2 cm
width: 15,6 cm
full size: 32x23 cm

On the basis of photos published in contemporary magazines – for instance in the Art et décoration (see here) or in the Revue des arts décoratifs (see here) – , apparently the Bigot company introduced its products at the Paris International Exhibition in temporary suites and units. The uses of the architectural ornaments, units, panels, fireplaces, reliefs, statues for the decoration and interior of buildings were represented by the photos of open halls, staircases, walls with friezes and panels and the decorative pots and dishes.

The exhibited sets and units were purchased by Jeno Radisics for the National Hungarian Museum of Applied Arts. As he wrote to the Minister of Religion and Education in a letter of 25th October, 1900 (see the Archives of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts): "On the amount of credit at my disposal I have purchased altogether 109 pieces for the museum. Special significance should be given to the monumental installation of Bigot, which was among the most well known and most artistic ceramic work of art at the Paris Exhibition, for which Bigot was given a Grand Prix and the Legion of Honour. This extraordinary acquisition should be credited to the official representative of the Museum in Paris, who was leading the negotiations... ".

The hand-written list of the works of art purchased at the 1900 world exhibition describes the above objects under No. 107 (see the Archives of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts) as "a wall decorated with differently coloured, high-fired glazes, a gate with columns and.... (illegible word) and with stairs and floor." In his letter of 25th January, 1901, Jeno Radisics advises the Bigot company that "the consignment has arrived in excellent condition, to the honour of French pottery it will be one of the greatest treasures of the museum." Unfortunately, there is no detailed list, apart from the denotation at that time, describing the objects as "Parts of a hall in 10 units" (see contemporary inventory book, No. 12072. In 1961).


  • Szerk.: Prékopa Ágnes: Le pavillon Bigot-Lavirotte. L’histoire de l'acquisition d'un objet d'art. Ars Decorativa 29, 2013. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2013. - 71-84. (dr. Horváth Hilda)
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 2.36. (Csenkey Éva)