Accession Nr.: 57.310.1-2
Date of production:
ca. 1810
Place of production: Bohemia
Materials: lead glass
Techniques: blown; faceted; grinded
height: 12,5 cm
diameter: 2,3 cm
opening diameter: 3 cm
base diameter: 4,7 cm
hosszúság (dugó): 5 cm
The short, conical foot of a lobed rim supports a flat, oval bowl with a short neck and a narrow, splayed top rim. The bowl is decorated with deep diamond faceting, showing an oval medallion in the middle, which depicts the emperor Francis I. (1792-1835) portrayed as a Roman emperor. The idealistic picture shows the emperor in profile, with a laurel wreath on his head. The top rim is faceted in a heptagonal shape the stopper has four lobes. With the embedded portrait, the piece represents a "sulphide " type glass of excellent quality.


  • Szerk.: Pataki Judit: Művészet és Mesterség. CD-ROM. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1999. - üveg 60.
  • Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 2.74. (Varga Vera)