Accession Nr.: | 6821 |
Artist/Maker: |
Tarján (Huber), Oszkár (1975 - 1933) |
Date of production: |
ca. 1900
Place of production: | Budapest |
Inscription: | jelzetlen |
Materials: | false pearl; silver |
Techniques: | émail cloisonné de plique; gilded |
Dimensions: |
height: 9 cm
width: 5,2 cm
The large pendant resembles an upturned arrow, with the hanger applied on the top and a false pendent pearl hanging down from the bottom. The two sides of the heart-shaped top are three-lobed. The bottom part of the arrow is enriched with a double ring at the back, and a lyre-shaped ornament on the side. There is a small, stylized, red heart at the end of the arrow. The enamel decoration is dominated by the different shades of vivid blue. The colours and the frogs-and- loops-like motifs between the outline of the arrow show the influence of Hungarian folk art, just like the pendant with Cat. No. 9.175. Originally it was equipped with a twisted, silvergilt chain of a clasp. It was exhibited at the 1901 Christmas exhibition of the Society for Applied Arts. For the exhibited “enamelled jewelleries of new shape, decorated with artistic taste and at low price”. Oszkár Tarján received a State Applied Art Medal, together with ironsmiths Forreider and Schiller, Budapest and the Torontál Carpet Factory Ltd.
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