Pendant - engagement pendant of Gábor Bethlen, ruler of Transylvania and Catherine of Brandenburg
Accession Nr.: | 53.4738.1 |
Date of production: |
Place of production: | Transylvania (presumably); Hungary (presumably) |
Materials: | almandine; diamond; emerald; ruby; silver |
Techniques: | champlevé enamel; painted enamel; parcel-gilt; ronde bosse enamel |
Dimensions: |
height: 9,4 cm
width: 7,5 cm
The centre of the jewel is formed by a shield-like heart with red enamel, framed by diamonds and rubies, and supported on each side by a hand with a ring on the index finger. The hands holding the heart and the pair of doves were frequent elements on engagement presents, and thus make clear the intended function of this jewel as well. The sacral symbols present on the pendant (anchor, cross, snake, etc.), however, were not common on such pieces, and must refer to the deep religious commitment of the owner-couple. At the 1884 exhibition of goldsmith works held in Budapest, scholars and the public had an opportunity to study five similar pieces. (This was the first and so far the last occasion when the five jewels were all on display together.) The catalogue of the exhibition states that “according to tradition, at the wedding of Prince Gabor Bethlen and Catherine of Brandenburg, six pages and the prince himself wore such pendants. The jewels of the pages were made of silver while that of the prince was made of gold”. The peculiar jewel is made of silver, which explains its somewhat modest technical execution, although it is also gilt and decorated with numerous precious stones and enamel. According to the latest research, this pendant was used as an ephemeral jewel at the 1626 wedding of the Prince of Transylvania, Gabor Bethlen, which was held at Kassa (today Košice, Slovakia). It was probably worn by one member of the close retinue of the ruler, while its companion pieces in gold were worn by the princely couple. Similar works are preserved in Dresden in Brussels and also in the Hungarian National Museum.
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