Ornamental vessel with lid - with Old Testament scenes and Neo-Renaissance ornamentation

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 23242.a-b
Breiden, Albert / modell
Date of production:
ca. 1880
Place of production: Germany
Inscription: alján masszába nyomva: DLB-jel és a fülön kartusban: DÜMLER UND BREIDEN HÖHR BEI COBLENZ, valamint az edénytesten lévő jeleneteken: P. D. és PETER GEST
Materials: stoneware
Techniques: embossed decoration; handpressed in an impressed mould; pierced decoration; with applied sculpted decoration; without glaze
height (with lid): 93 cm
height (without lid): 80,5 cm
width: 40,5 cm
The richly profiled, jointed body of a cylindrical top and a splaying rim stands on a round foot it has a large, curved handle that joins the shoulders with two confronting volutes. It is decorated exclusively with moulded motifs. The stripes above each other represent ornaments of German Renaissance, arabesques and masked rosettes. The picture on the side consists of three parts: the front depicts a battle scene, with a building on both sides, while the third shows figures in city surroundings. The shoulder is lined with cherubs, divided by buildings. There are inscriptions in cartouches below: DIE ALTEN EHRE STETS / DU BLEIBST NICHT EWIG KIND / SIE WAREN WIE DU BIST UND DU WIRST WAS SIE SIND (always honour the old/ you will not be a child forever they were what you are and you will be what they are now), then: FROEHLICH GEMVETHE / GIEBT FRISCHES GEBLVETE (a happy mind makes fresh bloods), and in the third one: SHAETZE HABEN FLUEGEL/EHR: HAT KEINEN ZUEGEL / ALLES DECKT EIN HVEGEL (treasures have wings/ honour has no reins everything covers a hill), in the fourth cartouche: WER WILL WAS ER KANN / FAENGT NICHT S VERGEBUCH AN (who wants what he is already capable to do will not start anything new) the fifth says: ARBEIT MACHT DES LEBENS LAUF/NOCH EINMAL SO MUNTER/FROHER GEHT DIE SONNE AUF / FROHER GEHT SIE UNTER (work is what what makes a blithesome life the sun rises with joy and with joy it sets). And the last one: DER TUGEND TREV DEM LASTER FEIND / UND MIT ALLEN GUTGEMEINT (virtue is the true enemy of vice and it is always well-intentioned). The neck is decorated with two escutcheons the front shows grotesque figures harvesting vine. There is a protruding tap at the bottom. The cover is a lanterned dome, with pierced galleries and a rimmed inset.


  • a kiállítást rendezte: Batári Ferenc, Vadászi Erzsébet: Historizmus és eklektika. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1992. - Nr. 269. (Katona Imre)