Ornamental plate - with the allegory of May (lovers and a fool)
Accession Nr.: | 4988 |
Artist/Maker: |
Reymond, Pierre (1513 - 1584) |
Inscription: | fenekén mesterjelzés és évszám (PR monogram és 1560) |
Materials: | copper |
Techniques: | painted enamel |
Dimensions: |
diameter: 17,5 cm
Round. In the centre is a picture of three figures: a couple sitting and a harlequin, with background scenery. The subject of the picture is as yet unidentified. Border: repeated masks and monsters with two oval cartouches. These cartouches bear respectively the inscriptions MAY and a schematic illustration of the constellation "Gemini". A similar technique is used on the reverse it shows a male profile within a richly decorated border, the maker's sign PR and the date 1560. The colours of the enamel are white with shades of grey and black. This dish used to be one of a twelve-piece series, depicting the allegorical illustration of months. The picture in the middle is without doubt an allegory of May, although it has not yet been fully explicated.
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