Miniature portrait - potrait of Lady Child-Villiers
Accession Nr.: | 69.1408.1 |
Artist/Maker: | |
Place of production: | Great-Britain |
A bust of a young lady in a blue, laced dress, wearing a golden necklace and brooch, holding pansies. The background is an autumn landscape: a part of an antique, carved stone urn with cover appears to the right. The back of the miniature has a paper sheet with the inscription: 1840 J.W. Childe Pin[xi]t 39 Bedford Street Strand (?) London. There is another inscription written in different ink, by another hand: Dssc Northumberland. The sheet is covered by the lock placed on the back side of the picture, surrounded by a framework imitating goldsmiths' work. The blue glass plate, covering the back side, imitates a guilloche, with enamelled ornament. There is a copper foil under the plate. The lock is in a separate oval framework in the middle, applied on an opaque glass plate, which imitates mother-of-pearl. The plate is decorated with a thin golden wire and pearls. Beside the lock is a small, blue, oval glass plate on a stamped foil, framed by pearls. Small, delicate, finely turned ivory balls form initials over the plate however, owing to the missing balls, the initials are illegible.
- Szerk.: Veres Mari: A reformkor művészete. Iparművészet. Vince Kiadó, Budapest, 2023. - p. 85. Nr. (53/1., 2.) (Marosi Eszter)
- Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 2.40. (Prékopa Ágnes)
- Koroknay Éva: Miniatűrök és szelencék. (A Nagytétényi Kastélymúzeum kiállításának ismertetője). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1979. - Nr. 19.