Lamp - Medusa Delirium table lamp

Contemporary Design Collection

Accession Nr.: 2017.247.1
Manufacturer: Laokoon Design
Date of production:
Place of production: Hungary
Materials: plexiglass; stainless steel; textile
height: 48-60 cm
diameter: 49,5 cm
diameter: 26,6 cm

The colourful shade of this lamp is made of a textile woven from plexiglas rickracks. The translucent plexiglas legs resemble the tentacles of jellyfish. The material makes it possible to change the shape of the shade, imitating the movement of the sea creature. The design and smart use of material make this an object from the vanguard of contemporary design.


  • Farkasdy Melinda: Medúzák és tóruszok : a Laokoon Design munkássága (2012-2018) Magyar Iparművészet, 27/8. 2020. - 25-28