Accession Nr.: 13425
Angyal, Béla (1847 - 1928) / designer
Manufacturer: National Bobbin-lace Making School of Körmöcbánya
Place of production: Körmöcbánya (Kremnica)
Materials: flax yarn
Techniques: pillow (bobbin) lace
width: 55 cm
length: 46 cm
width: 21 cm

The Körmöcbánya lace is the first conscious attempt to create the Hungarian style bobbin lace. Art teacher Béla Angyal (1847–1928) of Körmöcbánya made “Hungarian style” lace designs for the Körmöcbánya State Bobbin Lace Apprentice Workshop. On the few of his known laces it can be clearly seen that he designed the large collars, lace trimmings and an interesting lace holder using Hungarian Renaissance flower illustrations as an example. His characteristic designs can be recognised, but are very diverse in terms of the execution. His drawings were usually made for bobbin laces (ribbon, duchesse and reticella techniques). The large lace collar presented has a matching cuff and gives a good example of the rich use of flower patterns. The great carnation bunches stretching out on the shoulder and on the back and the flower tendrils connected around the neck are connected by tiny legs.


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