Wash-hand ewer (helmet jug) - With 'deutsche Blumen' decoration

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 1910
Manufacturer: Holics faience manufactory
Date of production:
ca. 1770
Place of production: Holics (Holíč)
Inscription: alján kobaltkékkel: HF
Materials: faience
height: 17,5 cm
opening diameter: 13 cm
base diameter: 9,6 cm

The ewer stands on a round, domed foot and has a cylindrical body. A large, jointed handle is fit to the ewer. One side is painted with a purple bunch of roses the other has a yellow tulip shaded with purple, painted in blue, yellow, green and iron-red. The foot and the handle are decorated with rocaille motifs in iron-red. Marked on the bottom: HF in cobalt.

The accompanying wash-hand basin is a deep, oval bowl with a ribbed side, a narrow horizontal rim and a wavy edge. The surface is painted with a bunch of roses, a yellow tulip shaded with purple and small scattered flowers in purple, green, yellow, blue and iron-red. Marked on the bottom: H in cobalt, with 2 S's below in black.


  • Balla Gabriella: Holics, Tata és Buda kerámiaművészete. A Kárpát-medence kerámiaművészete. Novella, Budapest, 2009. - Nr. 158. (analógia)
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Péter Márta: Barokk és rokokó. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 6.112. (Weiner Piroska)