Flower pot - With tulips

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 80.202.1
Horti, Pál (1865 - 1907) / designer
Manufacturer: Emil Fischer Ceramic Factory (Budapest)
Date of production:
ca. 1900
Place of production: Budapest
Inscription: alján az alapból kiemelkedő téglalapon, masszába
Materials: porcelain
Techniques: moulded decoration; polychrome painting; with cast and shaped parts
height: 16,5 cm
maximum width: 20 cm
opening diameter: 15,5 cm
base diameter: 15 cm
The bun-shaped, ivory body is decorated with three coiling flower stems with two leaves, springing from the straight foot. The wide and wavy top rim of the vase is shaped of three blossoming iris heads in purple and yellow. The stem of the three bent pink buds scrolls off the body surface, creating three small handles. The decoration is painted in pastel colours underglaze, the greens of the leaves are matte. The Fischer factory copied Pál Horti's hammered metal vase. The colouring was also likely to have been designed by the artist.


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