Accession Nr.: 2535
Radiel, Johann (1730 - 1809) / painter
Manufacturer: Holics Faience Manufactory
Place of production: Holics (Holíč) (presumably)
Inscription: a fül alatt: R / 1759
Materials: faience
Techniques: covered with polychrome glazes
height: 27 cm
base diameter: 9,5 cm
opening diameter: 12,8 cm

A carafe with a narrow neck, an indented lip and a curved handle. The front is painted with a garden scene: a lady, walking a dog, and a harlequin, wearing a mask, are locked in an embrace. There is a building in the background and a winged lock above the figures. The body of the jug is decorated with scattered bunches of roses, the handle shows scroll motifs, while the rim of the foot is painted with rows of different ornaments. The colours are purple, green, yellow and brown.

Marked below the handle: R 1795, with a line ornament under the marking.

Johann Radiel, the painter, who came from Lorraine, was working in Holies from 1754—1777, and then continued his activity in Tata.


  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Péter Márta: Barokk és rokokó. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - 6.90. (Weiner Piroska)
  • szerző: Kybalova Jana: Holitscher Fayence. Deutscher Kunstverlag, München, 1970. - p. 39.
  • Krisztinkovich Mária: Hollitsch und der Maler Johannes Radiel. Keramos, 18. (1962). 1962. - 20-23.
  • Révhelyi (Réh) Elemér: A tatai majolika története. Magyar Történeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1941. - p. 66.
  • Elefánt Olga: Iparművészeti Múzeumunk holicsi fajanszgyüjteménye. Magyar Iparművészet, 19. (1916). 1916. - 87-90:88.
  • Schirek Carl: Die k.k. Majolika-Geschirrfabrik in Holitsch. Materialen zu ihrer Geschichte. Brünn, 1905. - p. 234.