Accession Nr.: | 7700 |
Date of production: |
mid 16th century
Place of production: | Hungary |
Materials: | canvas |
Techniques: | decorated with garnets; decorated with pearls; embrodiered in gold thread; embroidered in silk thread |
Dimensions: |
length: 45 cm
width: 33 cm
The coiling tendrils of slightly oval-shaped loops spring from two-handled Renaissance vases that stand in the corners, thus creating a system of netting. The tendrils are joined with rings there are curving flowers of varied shapes in the middle of the fields. The border is decorated with alternating motifs of smaller and larger lilies, with tendrils between them. Curving gold braid at the edges with silk tassels and acorns of metal thread and seed pearls. The network pattern was modelled on Italian cloths made in 1530. A companion piece can be found in the Christian Museum in Esztergom.
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