Hunter's set

Metalwork Collection

Accession Nr.: E 74.2.1-8
Date of production:
mid 17th century
Place of production: Germany
Materials: leather; silver; steel; velvet; wood
Techniques: bone inlay; cast; chiselled; engraved decoration
length: 26,5 cm
length: 35,5 cm
length: 35,5 cm
length: 20,4 cm
length: 24,1 cm
length: 16,3 cm
In a combination of bloodthirsty practicality and elegance, this set of implements to be taken out hunting consists of a broad-bladed chopping knife that would be used to cut up a freshly killed beast, a two-pronged fork, three knives, a skewer and a small knife. All the handles are inlaid with ivory and horn. The clasp of the large knife ends in a winged dolphin head, while the other pieces have eagle heads. The set has a velvet-covered case with ornate cast mountings and two silver reliefs showing St George and the Dragon and a figure playing the harp, flanked by lion heads with rings in their mouths. On the back is an engraved scene with a cook in a kitchen and with an unidentified engraved signature, S B, below.


  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András: Műtárgyak a fraknói Esterházy-kincstárból az Iparművészeti Múzeum gyűjteményében. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2014. - Nr. II.12. (Csóka Veronika)
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András: Esterházy-kincsek. Öt évszázad műalkotásai a hercegi gyűjteményből. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2006. - Nr. 92. (Csóka Veronika)
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András: Hungary's heritage: princely treasures from the Esterházy Collection from the Museum of Applied Arts. Paul Holberton, London, 2004. - Nr. 37.